



At your convenience, we provide nasal swab collection methods for both individuals and corporate accounts, ensuring a hassle-free testing experience. Our testing boasts a remarkable accuracy rate of 99.9% and results are typically available in less than 24 hours (with the option of receiving results in as little as 4-12 hours). Patient portals are also accessible for direct access to test results and availability.


The laboratory test that simultaneously detects COVID-19, flu, and RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) with a single swab is called a multiplex PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test. This test detects the presence of genetic material (RNA) from these three viruses in a single sample, making it an efficient and cost-effective way to test for all three viruses at once.

During the test, a healthcare provider will collect a nasal swab from the patient, which is then transported to the laboratory for analysis. In the laboratory, the sample undergoes a complex process of nucleic acid extraction and amplification using PCR technology, which amplifies the viral RNA present in the sample. The PCR technology allows the laboratory to detect very small amounts of viral RNA, even if the patient is not experiencing any symptoms.

The multiplex PCR test for COVID-19, flu, and RSV has several advantages over traditional testing methods. Firstly, it saves time and resources by providing results for all three viruses with a single sample collection, reducing the need for multiple swabs or repeat visits. This is particularly beneficial during the cold and flu season when several respiratory viruses are circulating at the same time. Secondly, it reduces the risk of exposure to healthcare workers and patients, as it minimizes the need for repeated sampling. Finally, it provides a more comprehensive picture of a patient’s respiratory health, allowing for better management of their condition.

Overall, the multiplex PCR test for COVID-19, flu, and RSV is a valuable tool in the fight against respiratory infections, providing accurate and timely results while minimizing the inconvenience and discomfort associated with multiple testing procedures.

Where Innovation Meets Precision:


Nasal Swab Collection Procedure

Use only an authorized Exova Diagnostics specimen collection kit given to you by personnel at the testing center. Use only materials provided in the kit to collect and mail the specimen. COVID-19, flu, and RSV are tested with a single swab.

Ensuring proper collection will aid in maintaining the integrity of the sample and the viability thereof. Follow CDC guidelines for Set-up, Specimen collection, Preparation of specimen for return, Returning the specimen, and clean-up.

Label the specimen appropriately to include two unique patient identifiers.

Storage in STM Preservation Buffer

Store respiratory specimens at 2-8°C for up to 72 hours after collection. If a delay in testing or shipping is expected, store specimens at -70°C or below.

Medschenker Smart Transport Medium (STM) is ready for use and no further preparation is necessary. The product should be stored in its original container at 2-25°C until used. Do not overheat. Do not incubate or freeze prior to use. Improper storage will result in a loss of efficacy. Do not use after expiration date, which is clearly printed on each individual sterile pouch unit and the specimen transport tube label.

Specimen Storage & Transportation

Transport the specimen to the laboratory as soon as possible. Shipping of specimens within medical institutions should comply with internal guidelines of the institution.

The best recovery is obtained when specimens are refrigerated at 2-8°C or kept on wet ice following collection and while in transit. If there will be a long delay before processing, specimens should be frozen at -70°C or colder and transported on dry ice.

Shipping Guidelines

Pack and ship suspected and confirmed SARS-CoV-2 patient specimens, cultures, or isolates as UN 3373 Biological Substance, Category B, in accordance with the current edition of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) Dangerous Goods Regulations and U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) Transporting Infectious Substances Safely.

Personnel must be trained to pack and ship according to the regulations and in a manner that corresponds to their function-specific responsibilities.

Shipping materials are not limited to but include, FedEx Clinical Paks, FedEx Large Clinical boxes, priority return labels, UN 3373 sticker labels, and biohazard labels.

Collection Kits

Exova specimen collection kits consist of: Polyethylene Zip Biohazard Bag 5 cm – 9 cm with an absorbent pad, Smart Transport Medium 3mL collection tube (Medschenker), and FLOQSwab (COPAN).

Do not use materials after the expiration date, refer to printed dates on tubes and swabs.

Turnaround Times

Results from the COVID-19, flu, and RSV test will be available within 24 hours from receipt of sample.

Rejection Criteria

Specimens not in adherence to laboratory policy regarding proper collection and preservation of specimens will be rejected from acceptance. Rejection criteria include samples received post 96 hours from collection, sample temperatures exceeding 26℃, expired collection material, collections with no swab present, swab or STM not supplied by the laboratory, STM collection tube containing < 300 uL, unlabeled specimen tubes, contaminated samples.